Friday, April 29, 2011


You know it's always been my life-long dream to be the creamy center of a baby sandwich. Dream has been achieved, documented below.

But first, I started the hike by letting Eli hike on his own. We had done this before and Eli made it a few feet before he stopped to look at....anything. Then all forward progress would be lost and we'd have to call him down.

Today, however, he shot like a rocket. He was a man with a mission, trotting, navigating tree roots, climbing up stairs. He was on fire, tripping only once. I'd say he covered between 3/4 and 1 mile, with maybe 250 feet up in elevation.

That also explains why, when he got into his backpack, he drooped to the position you see in the sandwich below.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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