Monday, May 25, 2009

To the Hospital

We had to go in to the hospital tonight, and unfortunately, it wasn't an exciting trip for Susie. Instead...

For the past week or so, Sadie hadn't been herself. She was very quiet, kept to herself, and slept a lot. On two occasions, I had cereal and she couldn't have cared less. It is difficult to convey just how unusual that is. But we had been nesting for the past week--thowing out mountains of stuff, moving things around--and thought that she was upset by so many changes.

Then tonight, she peed blood on the floor. So off we went to the hospital. We need to get some tests back, but it's almost certainly a urinary tract infection, treatable with antibiotics, which we're now giving her. She'll be OK. The poor kitty is going to have some big adjustments to make very soon, so this just doesn't help.

-- Post From My iPhone

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