Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Not a Competition

While we were in the hospital with Eli, Susie of course was stuck in bed because of her recovery. She would feed him and at some point while she was holding he would do what babies do, cry. She'd hand him to me, my instincts from soothing the triplets would kick in and I'd march and sway around the room until he fell asleep.

At one point, Susie had tried for some time to get Eli to stop crying when she finally gave up and handed him to me. After a few moments bouncing in my arms, he calmed down. I looked at Susie and I could see she was sad. I also knew why she was sad.

I said to her, "It's not a competition; it's a partnership." In less than five minutes, I got to soothe the two people in this world I love the most.

-- Post From My iPhone

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