Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pt. Reyes Weekend

Susie and I spent a long weekend up at Pt Reyes. For those who don't know, it's a national park about an hour north of the golden gate bridge. If you look on a map, you'll see two thin bays, one from the north and one from the south. The San Andreas Fault runs right along that line. Pt Reyes itself used to be part of the Tehachapi mountains near Bakersfield. In the 1906 earthquake, Pt Reyes moved 20 feet--yes, 20 feet--to the northwest. If you visit, there's an earthquake trail and at one point you can see a fence that broke right on the fault line, shifting about 20 feet over.

Once I figure out a system for the new camera, I'll get some better pictures. For now, this is of Susie on a hike we did out in the area of Pt Reyes that mostly doen't have trees, and very much has an Ireland or Scotland feel to it.

-- Post From My iPhonei

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Phoebe and the Synchotron

Phoebe's at Lawrence Berkely Labs doing research with a device whose name ends with "tron". I think it does x-ray imaging, but i'm hazy on the details. Anyway, there she is with one of her students who is helping. They joined Susie and me for a walk around Lake Merritt in Oakland. It's great that she's here on work every few months or so, but we liked it better when she was living here. We miss her.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Sad Farewell

-- Post From My iPhone

Larry and Susie at Dolores Park

Larry is in town this weekend for some meetings. We met him for lunch then hung out for a while in the park. In the background is Mission Dolores which gives our neighborhood its name.

We don't get a lot of days where the temperature goes above 80, but this was definitely one of them today. It was nice yesterday when we went car shopping; if it had been cold today I would have had a very upset wife.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Test from iPhone

This is a test post from my iPhone. And I am checking to see how posting a picture from the iPhone goes:

That picture is from the seder we went to this week. Mmm, horseradish!

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, April 13, 2009

Testing, Testing

Welcome to the first post in the Life and Times of the Smittons blog, your resource for more than you wanted to know about us. On the bright side, this means we won't fill your in-box with repetitive baby pictures. (Though seriously, Ryan, loved all the pictures you sent.)